Sunday, November 2, 2008

~**Best Birthday Ever**~

Title explains everything...This year is my 1st time getting 'present' from my college friends...a very special present actually.On my birthday was the 1st time we'll be doing food production according our own recipe,so i think it's kinda special...
Took some pictures with to Jason type R

Jason trying to act cute kan?mcm pantat...haha.where were u?Cost control last class la..



Thx FELICIA also cuz she gv me the best card ever and also present!!




That's the card...look so nice rite?Eh I finally fold the paper back after trying to fold it for half an hour!!!

That's the present...yea Sudoku~ 'brain destroyer' but well I alred finished more then 10 questions..kinda hard for a newbie like me...But seriously thx a lot for spending time on making the card,luv it really alot...

Anyway thx again to everyone n goddess for wishing me and also something from you all.

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